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Mental Health

My special interest area is mental health counselling. I specifically work with anxiety, depression, neurodiversity, people pleasers, high functioning people, leaders, business leaders and emotional intelligence training.


For those patients interested in engaging with me for a mental health consultation then please book a 45 minute consultation.


For businesses interested in Mental Health talks, please consult my Speaker pages.


Please see my Neurodiversity page for information on ADHD and Autism.


Mental health is a journey that everyone will need to take at some point in their life. And because the interventions can be as varied as psychotherapy, medications, spirituality, life coaching, marriage counselling and more, most of my patients appreciate a guide. I don't however work in psychosis and will refer to a psychiatrist for patients needing management for psychosis problems.



My role as a GP is to help you navigate which approach you may need to take, keeping in mind that some therapists are better at certain areas than others.


I work with people from all walks of life and I pride myself in being a non-vanilla doctor so in my practice I am LGBTQIA+ friendly, sex positive, kink positive, ENM/poly/relationship anarchy friendly. And as a martial artist I am very open to more spiritual and Eastern philosophy journeys. My approach is very much a life coach approach to psychology.


Although I have a good working relationship with many therapists, for some patients I will offer my own unique form of counselling.


This is suited to empaths, highly sensitive people, high functioning people, people pleasers, perfectionists, business people, people with high emotional intelligence and people interested in improving their personal development, emotional intelligence and leadership training.


I have also experienced both childhood trauma and racial trauma so I am able to also guide those with complex trauma problems.


Additionally, I work with those who have had to deal with narcissists, psychopaths and sociopaths in their life. If you have a selfish low empathy person in your life, it is likely that you would benefit from understanding how to navigate them.


What I do differently


I use evolutionary psychology and neurodiversity as a basis for understanding human behaviour and I teach that system to my patients. I tend to take a pragmatic, logical and analytical approach to psychology which doesn’t suit all patients.


If you have found that you are too intelligent for your therapist or if you have tried traditional psychology and found it too simple and fluffy and telling you things that you already know, then you will appreciate my style of psychology.


A significant amount of my work in this space is with people who are normally very confident and high functioning and have found that when they sit with a psychologist, they often come away feeling that they didn’t learn anything that they didn’t already know or that they found traditional psychology to be too simple.

These are people who often are used to fixing other people's problems and their own problems, and so they need a higher level of explaining and interaction than they get from traditional psychology. Basically, I work well with people who need to know how something works before they can use it.


For these patients, how I work differently to others is that I am able to systematise personality into a very easy to use system called the Functional Spectrum of Intelligence System (FSIS). I also have developed my own specific form of counselling using personality profiling, evolutionary psychology, and neurodiversity training. I always explain human nature based on how we have evolved and then teach people how to tweak it.


I have found that anxiety, depression and burnout is often caused by problems in one or more of four areas in life. Your personality, your situation, your environment or the people in your life. And although you cannot always change your situation, environment or the people in your life, you do have the ability to change yourself to navigate those other areas better. But guilt, responsibility and the fear of failure or uncertainty often trap us.


I teach my patients that although there is merit in talking about emotions, sometimes you need to realise that your brain is software coding. If you don’t understand the code, you don’t get to recode your thinking. My aim is to teach you the code.

Dr Cedric Chu Brisbane Australia ABN 33 762 372 071

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