Life, Health, Leadership Coaching
I have a personal goal to live a very full life that is full of achievement, rich relationships, and the broadest and deepest experiences of everything life has to offer. And yet I know I need to balance it with a longevity, sustainability, exceptional health and fitness, and avoidance of burn out.
Over the years I have found that many patients have sought my guidance to help them navigate the complexities of living similar lives.
Being a GP, business owner, fitness expert, mental health counsellor, and personal development coach enables me to provide the broadest possible expertise in creating life balance.
I've enjoyed the journey with these patients and am happy to offer these sessions to those who are truly motivated towards personal development.
Below are some patient examples of those I have helped with a holistic life coach approach of mental and physical personal development.

55 year old business executive Darren came to see me suffering headaches after seeing a specialist and just being told to take medication that was making him drowsy. After working out that his headaches were a mixture of stress and poor neck and shoulder biomechanics we decided that he needed a complete overhaul of his life.
Physically we improved his posture, got him into gym work, found that he had the start of coronary artery disease which kickstarted him to lose weight and get fitter. He had sleep apnea from his weight so we were able to give him more energy by managing this also.
Mentally we realised that he had a narcissistic psychopath father and a self centred weak mother who never protected the kids from being physically and emotionally beat up. He had developed an obsessional workaholic approach to his career in a large multi-national company and he was drinking too much to wind down due to having a team that was always losing good people so that he needed to constantly retrain people so he couldn't easily back down at work.
His wife was unhappy with him and they slept in separate beds. His 2 kids were adults and also blamed his absence as a father for their mental health problems and any attempt for him to reconcile was met negatively which was also causing him unhappiness.
We helped him realise that his childhood meant that he overvalued work and achievement as a form of validation and he was able to back this down. We taught him that having a narcissistic parent meant that there were traits of his that were also narcissistic and he learnt to manage this and apologise to his kids for his behaviours.
I taught him more about being a good husband and we brought his wife in and helped them both plan date nights. Managing his snoring got them back in the same bed again and a prescription of Viagra helped him regain intimacy with his wife.
I taught him how to reach out to his adult kids and give them the space to process his changes. I taught him mindfulness and gratitude.
We also realised that his second in command was a narcissistic woman who was threatened by good workers and actively blocked them from progressing in the company causing them to leave. I taught him my personality profiling system which helped him learn ways to move her onto another team and identify another worker with high emotional intelligence to take over as second in charge.
These changes happened over 7 months and I saw him 2 years later and he told me that I had changed his life perspective so much that he actually got the confidence to leave his prior company with his new team that he had built using my personality profiling system and he had started his own consulting company with this new team and his life was going amazingly well.
27 year old Emily came to see me to get some STD testing done. She had cheated on her partner after a drunken night out and he had ended their relationship. She was obviously upset and I offered to talk to her more about her life as she had done this before in a previous relationship. I told her that she could benefit from some life planning as she sounded chaotic.
We worked out that she had come from a nice family but it was very conservative and she had developed anorexia as a teen as she had a perfectionistic obsessive personality. We also worked out that she had ADHD, was addicted to chaos and would sabotage stable relationships as she would confuse the lack of chaos to be a lack of passion and she would get bored and then cheat with chaotic men.
We also worked out that her childhood wasn't as idyllic as she thought as her mother was very controlling and likely had OCD which Emily also had which triggered in her eating disorder.
Her ADHD caused her to not be able to finish any degrees that she had started and at 27 she felt like that she was falling behind her friends in life planning. She still wanted to travel and study and have a career and family but she could see that she was running out of time. This made her more anxious and unhappy and her chasing bad relationships and getting drunk was a form of avoidance of managing her life problems.
I helped her get her ADHD medicated and taught her how to live more true to a neurodiverse lifestyle which she had struggled with due to her conservative upbringing. She realised that she was bisexual and we helped her understand polyamorous relationships.
I taught her my personality profiling system and this enabled her to pick better partners to match her intensity and also balance her intensity.
We also helped her work through fertility timing for her life if she wanted to have kids and she was able to commit to and eventually finish a psychology degree specialising in behavioural science.

So why use a GP for life coaching?
Well first of all, most good GPs are automatically life coaches who give advice on living a healthy life style, helping you detect illnesses that may be affecting your day to day performance, giving general advice and management on your mental health and also they are often aware of your family dynamics. And in all cases this comes under a Medicare rebate because it is often to do with improving health and mental health so it makes your personal development affordable, especially if you have hit your Medicare safety net.
But additionally, as a business and leadership coach and as a teacher of emotional intelligence I also offer the following...
I can coach people on improving interpersonal relationships at work and home.
I can identify and help navigate how personality and childhood experiences affect correct career choices, family and relationship decisions, and parenting.
I can help with relatiohship advice and also parenting advice which oftens helps with alleviating stress.
I can help identify and manage neurodiverse traits that might be impacting work and home life.
I can help troubleshoot biomechanical problems that can affect a person maintaining their fitness.
I can help employers alleviate stress by building better teams at work.
I can help leaders and managers understand worker personalities to manage people better.
I can help people with better goal setting for life.
I can help people navigate dating after bad relationships.
I can train people to navigate toxic relationships and friends.
I can help high functioning people avoid burn out.

Lisa a 38 year mum of 2 children came to see me wondering if she was going through an early menopause causing fatigue. We worked out that some of her fatigue was due to medical reasons and was fixed by changing her thyroid medication dose, getting an iron infusion and reducing the gluten and dairy in her diet. But her fatigue was also due to being stressed with her kids and unhappy in her marriage and unhappy at work.
We worked out that her parents had divorced when she was young and that her mother was a possible psychopath or had bipolar and had cheated on her father and this lead Lisa to stay in her current marriage despite not being happy because she didn't want to be like her mother. We also worked out that her husband was also likely a a narcissist and was unable to support her with the kids.
Using my personality profiling system I explained to her that her mother likely had ADHD and her father was likely Autistic and one of her kids was ADHD and the other was also likely autistic.
We managed to get both kids diagnosed and got her NDIS funding for the autistic kid to help with the costs of psychology. I was able to teach the autistic kid some tips to understand their social problems and we eventually medicated the child for anxiety which really helped the home situation. The ADHD child who was quite chaotic also started medication and suddenly the home life was a lot less stressful.
We realised that Lisa was also partly ADHD and autistic herself and using my personality profiling system we realised that she is an empath driver personality that is best focused on project management jobs. She realised that due to the lack of a family unit as a child and a lack of feeling like she had a good family unit at home, she was then looking too much towards her workplace to be like a family and this made her a people pleaser at work and she would be bitterly disappointed when her efforts were not recognised or supported.
I taught her my personality profiling system and gave her my lessons on managing her people pleasing and perfectionism. She used this information to change jobs within government and recognise a better team environment and she was then much happier at work. She was able to recognise work as not being a substitute family and was able to detach more from workplace stress.
We called her husband in and I gave them skills on how to parent their neurodiverse kids.
This process occurred over a 1 year period.
A year on Lisa informed me that she had decided to divorce her husband as she had gained a lot of confidence to start living her life in accordance with her needs instead of being a people pleaser and she realised that being a narcissist that he would not change.
I helped her navigate how to talk to the kids about the divorce especially her autistic child who had a hard time with change.
Because she was now dating again I helped her with diet and exercise advice to get into better shape. I also went through how to recognise empathy and screen low empathy in men during the dating phase.
32 year old music technician Evan saw me for palpitations of the heart after a few visits to the emergency department who told him to see a GP as they thought he was getting panic attacks. After doing a few cardiac tests and finding out that he had a fatty liver from drinking too much alcohol we decided that he needed a complete life coach approach to improving his life.
We worked out that he had OCD and was drinking alcohol to self medicate the anxiety, but that he also had social anxiety which he used alcohol to manage due to needing to work with bands and theatre plays. He was also smoking a lot of marijuana and this was causing him to be apathetic in changing his careers despite being well regarded in his industry.
We worked on his physical health and managed to get him onto a low carb intermittent fasting diet to lose weight and improve his fatty liver. We also got him into high intensity interval training to manage weight and anxiety and feel better about himself. He had a sweating problem which was one of the things that kept him out of the gym so we organised botox injections to manage his excessive sweating.
I treated him with anti-anxiety medication which improved his OCD and social anxiety and allowed him to work and socialise without alcohol.
I also taught him my personality profiling system to read people better as we realised his social anxiety came from over reading people and then getting distracted with excessive thinking in social settings. I was able to teach him to task base his social interactions and read people more confidently.
We also realised that his job kept him up late at nights and his lack of sleep was affecting his well being and he was able to make the move to being a sound technician for TV which had better hours for him.
He had avoided dating due to his social anxiety so we were able to teach him skills the help him be a higher value male in the dating world.